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Celtic Frost - uttale?

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Post by herr_ost »

torjo wrote:
Stian wrote:Med K. Og det er fasiten.

Det er KorreKt.

Det er Sorrekt.

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Post by Kill.Fuck.Die. »

M-77 wrote:Å påstå at bandet ikke vet hvordan de skal uttale sitt eget navn blir for urimelig.
For det har aldri skjedd før?

Uansett, siden ordboka sier at man kan si både keltic og seltic, så får man velge selv. Keltic hvis du er mann - seltic hvis du ikke er det.

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Post by Runar »

Kill.f**k.Die. wrote:
M-77 wrote:Å påstå at bandet ikke vet hvordan de skal uttale sitt eget navn blir for urimelig.
For det har aldri skjedd før?
Egentlig helt likegyldig hvordan de uttaler det ettersom engelsk språkråd gir oss tilatelse til å uttale det på begge måter.

Kill.f**k.Die. wrote: Uansett, siden ordboka sier at man kan si både keltic og seltic, så får man velge selv. Keltic hvis du er mann - seltic hvis du ikke er det.
Ha ha, kaller du Tom G. Warrior for en kvinne?

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Post by Onkel Ond »

Vel Mr(s) G Warrior bruker jo en frekk mengde sminke på de nye promobildene.
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Post by Kill.Fuck.Die. »

Runar wrote:
Kill.f**k.Die. wrote:
M-77 wrote:Å påstå at bandet ikke vet hvordan de skal uttale sitt eget navn blir for urimelig.
For det har aldri skjedd før?
Egentlig helt likegyldig hvordan de uttaler det ettersom engelsk språkråd gir oss tilatelse til å uttale det på begge måter.

Kill.f**k.Die. wrote: Uansett, siden ordboka sier at man kan si både keltic og seltic, så får man velge selv. Keltic hvis du er mann - seltic hvis du ikke er det.
Ha ha, kaller du Tom G. Warrior for en kvinne?

Jeg har ikke sagt noe. :)

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Post by abnocto »

Bruker kun "K".
Unnamed Silence

Ulli wrote:Han Mr.Abnoctus: Først trodde jeg han var "bare" dritings. Men jeg tror han er bare sånn. Vittig! Og ikke minst VENOM! :lol:

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Post by Kheperu »

Jeg har aldri vurdert noe annet enn K-uttalen. Når jeg tenker Celtic Frost tenker jeg på folkeslaget Keltere og ikke fotballklubben...

Selv i England uttaler man jo alltid folket som the Kelts, aldri the Selts. (Har iallefall aldri hørt Selts blitt brukt, men Kelts har jeg hørt flere ganger. Selv om begge varianter skal være lovlige, iallefall i USA)

Litt om det språklige opphavet:

Ibiblios wrote:The people who made up the various tribes of concern were called Galli by the Romans and Galatai or Keltoi by the Greeks, terms meaning barbarian. It is from the greek Keltoi that Celt is derived. Since no soft c exists in greek, Celt and Celtic and all permutations should be pronounced with a hard k sound.

It is interesting to note that when the British Empire was distinguishing itself as better and seperate from the rest of humanity, it was decided that British Latin should have different pronunciation from other spoken Latin. Therefore, one of these distinguishing pronunciational differences was to make many of the previously hard k sounds move to a soft s sound, hence the Glasgow and Boston Celtics. It is the view of many today that this soft c pronunciation should be reserved for sports teams since there is obviously nothing to link them with the original noble savegery and furor associated with the Celts.
[quote="MacKillop, J. "Dictionary of Celtic Mythology." New York: Oxford University Press, 1998"]The pronunciation of the word remains ambiguous, however, a conflict between its Greek root, keltoi, and its path through French, where celtique is pronounced with a soft c: 'sell-TEEK'. Although many dictionaries, including the OED, prefer the soft c pronunciation, most students of Celtic culture prefer the hard c: 'KELL-tik', in acknowledgement of its Greek origin.[/quote]
newworldcelts.org wrote:The "c" at the start of "celtic" can be pronounced soft, like an "s", or hard, like a "k". The most common convention is to always pronounce it with a hard "c" ("keltic") except when using it as a proper noun (e.g. Celtic Football Club, Boston Celtics, The Anglo-Celt newspaper). In Irish, "c" is always pronounced hard, like the letter "k" which is never used in Irish words. The Greeks were the first to write about the Celts, using the word "Keltoi", which suggests that the hard sound is also historically accurate.

Edit: Lagt til mer pirk :)

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Post by M-77 »

newworldcelts.org wrote:The most common convention is to always pronounce it with a hard "c" ("keltic") except when using it as a proper noun (e.g. Celtic Football Club, Boston Celtics, The Anglo-Celt newspaper).

Som i Celtic Frost :lol:
Terror_mit_uns wrote: M-77 kunne jeg aldri tenkt meg å gå langtur med.

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Post by Kheperu »

M-77 wrote:
newworldcelts.org wrote:The most common convention is to always pronounce it with a hard "c" ("keltic") except when using it as a proper noun (e.g. Celtic Football Club, Boston Celtics, The Anglo-Celt newspaper).

Som i Celtic Frost :lol:

Ja, egentlig :)

Lette litt mer, og fant at grunnen til at disse egennavnene uttales med S er at de ble dannet før 1950, da S-uttalen var vanligst. Etter 1950 har den tyske uttalen av ordet blitt dominerende i Engelsk, og ord dannet etter 1950-1960 har oftest uttalen Keltik.

Celtic Frost er old school, men ikke old school ;)

Iflg. Wikipedia har Celtics Football Club og Boston Celtics S-uttale hovedsaklig grunnet tradisjoner.

I en FAQ i the Guardian kunne jeg også lese at bruken av Keltiks er økende blant fansen av Celtics Football Club også.

Men det er ingen rett eller gal måte å uttale dette på. Kun smak og behag :)

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Post by Imnebel »

Hèltikh frõst!

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Post by Kill.Fuck.Die. »

Kheperu wrote:Jeg har aldri vurdert noe annet enn K-uttalen. Når jeg tenker Celtic Frost tenker jeg på folkeslaget Keltere og ikke fotballklubben...

Selv i England uttaler man jo alltid folket som the Kelts, aldri the Selts. (Har iallefall aldri hørt Selts blitt brukt, men Kelts har jeg hørt flere ganger. Selv om begge varianter skal være lovlige, iallefall i USA)

Litt om det språklige opphavet:

Ibiblios wrote:The people who made up the various tribes of concern were called Galli by the Romans and Galatai or Keltoi by the Greeks, terms meaning barbarian. It is from the greek Keltoi that Celt is derived. Since no soft c exists in greek, Celt and Celtic and all permutations should be pronounced with a hard k sound.

It is interesting to note that when the British Empire was distinguishing itself as better and seperate from the rest of humanity, it was decided that British Latin should have different pronunciation from other spoken Latin. Therefore, one of these distinguishing pronunciational differences was to make many of the previously hard k sounds move to a soft s sound, hence the Glasgow and Boston Celtics. It is the view of many today that this soft c pronunciation should be reserved for sports teams since there is obviously nothing to link them with the original noble savegery and furor associated with the Celts.
[quote="MacKillop, J. "Dictionary of Celtic Mythology." New York: Oxford University Press, 1998"]The pronunciation of the word remains ambiguous, however, a conflict between its Greek root, keltoi, and its path through French, where celtique is pronounced with a soft c: 'sell-TEEK'. Although many dictionaries, including the OED, prefer the soft c pronunciation, most students of Celtic culture prefer the hard c: 'KELL-tik', in acknowledgement of its Greek origin.
newworldcelts.org wrote:The "c" at the start of "celtic" can be pronounced soft, like an "s", or hard, like a "k". The most common convention is to always pronounce it with a hard "c" ("keltic") except when using it as a proper noun (e.g. Celtic Football Club, Boston Celtics, The Anglo-Celt newspaper). In Irish, "c" is always pronounced hard, like the letter "k" which is never used in Irish words. The Greeks were the first to write about the Celts, using the word "Keltoi", which suggests that the hard sound is also historically accurate.

Edit: Lagt til mer pirk :)[/quote]

Da blir det K! :D

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Post by Lang trang gang »

Blir faktisk litt provosert av denne s-lyden.
Fyy faan kor jæævlig det e!!!

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Post by Imnebel »

fukkwitt wrote:Blir faktisk litt provosert av denne s-lyden.

Jeg synes den er deilig ekkel.

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Post by Lang trang gang »

Brrrr... *hutre*
Fyy faan kor jæævlig det e!!!

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Post by Runar »

Kheperu wrote:
newworldcelts.org wrote:The "c" at the start of "celtic" can be pronounced soft, like an "s", or hard, like a "k". The most common convention is to always pronounce it with a hard "c" ("keltic") except when using it as a proper noun (e.g. Celtic Football Club, Boston Celtics, The Anglo-Celt newspaper).
Aha! Så siden Celtic Frost er et navn så bør man bruke s-lyden.

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Post by Affen »

"...and that's SELTIC Frost, not KELTIC Frost! Tom G. Warrior told me that himself back when we were touring toghether..." - Scott Ian, Anthrax. Case closed.

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Post by M-77 »

Kill.f**k.Die. wrote:Da blir det K! :D

På tide å roe ned drikkingen. Det er nå klart og tydelig bevist at S er eneste riktige uttale i denne sammenheng.
Terror_mit_uns wrote: M-77 kunne jeg aldri tenkt meg å gå langtur med.

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Post by Tomas »

M-77 wrote:
Kill.f**k.Die. wrote:Da blir det K! :D
På tide å roe ned drikkingen. Det er nå klart og tydelig bevist at S er eneste riktige uttale i denne sammenheng.
Pisspreik! Keltik Frost for fan!!!


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Post by Terror_mit_uns »

kchëltijj froau
Choke! choke! choke! the devil we evoke!

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Post by Magnus »

keltik fhhråst

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