Noen som er oppdatert på om det skjer noe med Arena?
På tide med ny skive snart nå.
Mener vi har hatt en her før, men kjører en ny poll mens vi venter på noe nytt...
Knepen seier til The Visitor fra meg...
- Belieber
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Clive Nolan har i alle fall kommet med litt info nylig, og det ser ut til at det kan ta litt tid før det blir noe nytt fra Arena.
Many of you have been asking what's the current Arena status. Clive gives a few hints about what's happening with Arena:
After working hard with Arena for about ten years, both Mick and I felt it was time to take a break. We both had things we wanted to do, and while it was easier for other band members to go off and play with other projects, we were kind of 'strapped to the mast'. So, after 'Pepper's Ghost', it was time to put things on ice for a while.
Naturally, when breaks like this happen, everyone fills the gaps with other things, so it becomes harder to gather everyone together again. However, we are all now ready to move forward with Arena.
Has Arena split up? No, not at all!
Are there plans for Arena to do anything new? Yes
When will there be a new album? That is impossible to answer right now. It depends on how fast we write the album.
Mick and I had a short meeting before he went off on tour with the 'Script', and we agreed that we would meet again (after the Shadowland tour and some Caamora dates..Wink, and start writing this elusive seventh album!
We do have a few bits of material already, and I have a concept and a title, so things have already started. It's just a matter of regaining the time we need.
I can tell you that the next album will be pretty dark (no surprises there!), and deals with some awkward themes.
You want something exclusive?...ok..... The next Arena album will be called....
The Tinder Box
I hope that answers a few questions,
Contagion er den jeg har hørt mest på. Fantastiske melodier der.
I never looked around, never second-guessed
Then I read some Howard Zinn now I'm always depressed
And now I can't sleep from years of apathy
All because I read a little Noam Chomsky
Then I read some Howard Zinn now I'm always depressed
And now I can't sleep from years of apathy
All because I read a little Noam Chomsky
The Visitor er helt suveren. En av mine favorittskiver innen neo-prog. Klokkeklar 6er på terningen.
1.The Visitor
3.Pepper`s Ghost
4.Songs From The Lions Cage
Pride og Immortal? kjenner jeg for dårlig til å stemme...
1.The Visitor
3.Pepper`s Ghost
4.Songs From The Lions Cage
Pride og Immortal? kjenner jeg for dårlig til å stemme...

- Beliebe
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Har Contagion. Helt grei i alle fall, men jeg får nok bare innse at neo-prog ikke er noe for meg.
- Poser
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Har bare hørt debuten og The Visitor, utenom noen enkeltlåter her og der.
Begge er bra men The Visitor er fantastisk, en av de beste platene jeg har og en av de jeg har hørt mest på innen Neo Prog. Det er dog lenge siden jeg har hørt på den, må ta den frem i morgen og få bekreftet hvor fantastisk den er.
Begge er bra men The Visitor er fantastisk, en av de beste platene jeg har og en av de jeg har hørt mest på innen Neo Prog. Det er dog lenge siden jeg har hørt på den, må ta den frem i morgen og få bekreftet hvor fantastisk den er.
Topic author - Belieber
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Affen wrote:The Visitor er helt suveren. En av mine favorittskiver innen neo-prog. Klokkeklar 6er på terningen.
Rangerer nok skivene sånn ca slik -
1.The Visitor.
3.Songs From The Lions Cage.
6.Pepper`s Ghost.
Topic author - Belieber
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Mr. Wildside wrote:Clive Nolan har i alle fall kommet med litt info nylig, og det ser ut til at det kan ta litt tid før det blir noe nytt fra Arena.
Many of you have been asking what's the current Arena status. Clive gives a few hints about what's happening with Arena:
After working hard with Arena for about ten years, both Mick and I felt it was time to take a break. We both had things we wanted to do, and while it was easier for other band members to go off and play with other projects, we were kind of 'strapped to the mast'. So, after 'Pepper's Ghost', it was time to put things on ice for a while.
Naturally, when breaks like this happen, everyone fills the gaps with other things, so it becomes harder to gather everyone together again. However, we are all now ready to move forward with Arena.
Has Arena split up? No, not at all!
Are there plans for Arena to do anything new? Yes
When will there be a new album? That is impossible to answer right now. It depends on how fast we write the album.
Mick and I had a short meeting before he went off on tour with the 'Script', and we agreed that we would meet again (after the Shadowland tour and some Caamora dates..Wink, and start writing this elusive seventh album!
We do have a few bits of material already, and I have a concept and a title, so things have already started. It's just a matter of regaining the time we need.
I can tell you that the next album will be pretty dark (no surprises there!), and deals with some awkward themes.
You want something exclusive?...ok..... The next Arena album will be called....
The Tinder Box
I hope that answers a few questions,
Endelig noen nyheter iallefall

- Po
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Jeg har av en eller annen grunn aldri kommet helt inn på Arena. Jeg har The Visitor, Immortal og Pepper's Ghost, men ingen er spes. fete synes jeg. Synd i grunn.
Det er forskjell på å HØRE på metal, og å VÆRE metal.
Salt i såret gir ro i sjelen.

Salt i såret gir ro i sjelen.