Hails to all!!!
We have a new shirt available!!!!
This shirt was designed by ThornyThoughts (Ger) and is our tribute to the legendary BLACK WIDOW!!!
We have 4 different versions of this shirt available:
Black shirt with petrol green print
White shirt with black print
Grey shirt with black print
Red shirt with black print
Netherlands : € 16,00
Europe : € 18,00
Rest of the world : € 20,00
Prices include priority shipping!!!!
Payment can be done by banktransfer or PayPal!
How do you order?
Send an email to xanaxasax@gmail.com and include the following:
- what shirt do you want?
- what size do you want?
- how many copies do you want?
- how do you want to pay (banktransfer or paypal)
- your adress to ship the shirt to
When you ordered a shirt you will get instructions where to wire the money to...
If you have any questions regarding the shirt, please send an email!
And last but not least: please do not order a shirt though myspace, only order by email will be taken!!!
ps: Please have some patience, we are not online 24/7
Planlagte konserter i fremtiden:
Sep 6 2009 ASHES TO ASHES...DOOM TO DUST lV Tilburg, Noord-Brabant
Sep 19 2009 SINISTER HOWLING Speyer, Rheinland-Pfalz
Ny 7"er er ute nå i disse dager, og vil ha eksklusiv ditribusjion i Norge av undertegnede. Er her om noen dager vil jeg tro.
En miniskive er spilt inn, sendt til trykken og vil være i salg innen en måneds tid.
Jeg skal trykke Zipper Hoods så fort vi har blitt enige om et design.
That's it for now!
URFAUST wrote: we are superduperawesome!