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Beste Kyuss skive?

Archive on Scream Magazine from 2019 and older.

Beste Kyuss plate?

Blues For The Red Sun
Welcome To Sky Valley
...And The Cirkus Leaves Town
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Post by Lynchomaniac »

Melodia wrote:Hm. Sitter og høre på "Welcome To Sky.." nå.
Lyden er litt rar, synes jeg.
Er det en sånn "stoner-ting" det, eller? Ikke sjangeren jeg hører mest på ;)

np : Kyuss - Asteroid

Jepp dette er Stoner - en av sjangerens mest skjellsettende og betydningsfulle skiver

Må høres litt though, be patient :wink:
Utsagn fra Brumunddal:Han: "Je må innrømme att je er litt på sjekker'n"
Hun: "Det kommer du ikke langt med her"
Han:"Je kjæm helt i fra Åsbygda je"!

Being a Klopp-timist YNWA <3

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Post by Melodia »

Lynchomaniac wrote:Jepp dette er Stoner - en av sjangerens mest skjellsettende og betydningsfulle skiver

Må høres litt though, be patient :wink:

Hm. Foreløpig er hele greia "helt greit", liksom.
Har ikke tatt helt av, for å si det sånn. Men ok, tid skal den få :)

Lynchomaniac wrote:Good on ya' girl :wink:
På tross av dette langt i fra er AOR eller Melodiøs Hardrock

Det skal være sikkert og visst! (eller snickers og twist, som Styggberjet ofte sier :lol:)

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Post by DOH »

Melodia wrote:Hm. Sitter og høre på "Welcome To Sky.." nå.
Lyden er litt rar, synes jeg.
Er det en sånn "stoner-ting" det, eller? Ikke sjangeren jeg hører mest på ;)

np : Kyuss - Asteroid

Lyden er knall. Tyngre lydbilde enn Kyuss skal man lete lenge etter, og det merker man kanskje enda bedre på "Blues..." og "Circus...".

Skiva du hører på heter forøvrig ikke "Welcome to Sky Valley", bare "Sky Valley", bare så det er nevnt for andre gang.

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Post by torjo »

DOH wrote:
Melodia wrote:Hm. Sitter og høre på "Welcome To Sky.." nå.
Lyden er litt rar, synes jeg.
Er det en sånn "stoner-ting" det, eller? Ikke sjangeren jeg hører mest på ;)

np : Kyuss - Asteroid

Lyden er knall. Tyngre lydbilde enn Kyuss skal man lete lenge etter, og det merker man kanskje enda bedre på "Blues..." og "Circus...".

Skiva du hører på heter forøvrig ikke "Welcome to Sky Valley", bare "Sky Valley", bare så det er nevnt for andre gang.

Som jeg har nevnt tidligere heter plata egentlig bare "Kyuss"!
"Sky Valley" er en populær tittel, og greit nok det, så vet man hvilken man snakker om.
Ta tårnet, Ebralidze!

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Post by Melodia »

torjo wrote:
DOH wrote:
Melodia wrote:Hm. Sitter og høre på "Welcome To Sky.." nå.
Lyden er litt rar, synes jeg.
Er det en sånn "stoner-ting" det, eller? Ikke sjangeren jeg hører mest på ;)

np : Kyuss - Asteroid

Lyden er knall. Tyngre lydbilde enn Kyuss skal man lete lenge etter, og det merker man kanskje enda bedre på "Blues..." og "Circus...".

Skiva du hører på heter forøvrig ikke "Welcome to Sky Valley", bare "Sky Valley", bare så det er nevnt for andre gang.

Som jeg har nevnt tidligere heter plata egentlig bare "Kyuss"!
"Sky Valley" er en populær tittel, og greit nok det, så vet man hvilken man snakker om.

Ehm.. ok? Går for "Sky Valley", da.
Tyngre lydbilde hørtes mer rett ut ja.
Var ikke det at det var dårlig lyd, bare litt annerledes ;)

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Post by DOH »

torjo wrote:
DOH wrote:
Melodia wrote:Hm. Sitter og høre på "Welcome To Sky.." nå.
Lyden er litt rar, synes jeg.
Er det en sånn "stoner-ting" det, eller? Ikke sjangeren jeg hører mest på ;)

np : Kyuss - Asteroid

Lyden er knall. Tyngre lydbilde enn Kyuss skal man lete lenge etter, og det merker man kanskje enda bedre på "Blues..." og "Circus...".

Skiva du hører på heter forøvrig ikke "Welcome to Sky Valley", bare "Sky Valley", bare så det er nevnt for andre gang.

Som jeg har nevnt tidligere heter plata egentlig bare "Kyuss"!
"Sky Valley" er en populær tittel, og greit nok det, så vet man hvilken man snakker om.

Jeg stiller meg sterkt tvilende til at den heter "Kyuss". Har enda til gode å se den bli kalt det noe som helst sted.

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Post by Antonzen »

Er uansett ...And The Cirkus Leaves Town som er den feteste imine ører.

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Post by Buttmunch »

Antonzen wrote:Er uansett ...And The Cirkus Leaves Town som er den feteste imine ører.

Hadde aldri helt sansen for den.. før noen måneder siden. Da satt den. j****g fet

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Post by torjo »

DOH wrote:
torjo wrote:Som jeg har nevnt tidligere heter plata egentlig bare "Kyuss"!
"Sky Valley" er en populær tittel, og greit nok det, så vet man hvilken man snakker om.

Jeg stiller meg sterkt tvilende til at den heter "Kyuss". Har enda til gode å se den bli kalt det noe som helst sted.

Men da skal du få et sted her og nå! :wink:

TrouserPress.com wrote:KYUSS

Sons of Kyuss (Black Highway Music) 1990
Wretch (Dali) 1991
Blues for the Red Sun (Dali/Elektra) 1992
Kyuss (Chameleon/Elektra) 1994
Demon Cleaner EP #1 EP (Ger. Elektra) 1994
Demon Cleaner EP #2 EP (Ger. Elektra) 1994
... And the Circus Leaves Town (Elektra) 1995
One Inch Man EP (UK Elektra) 1995

Queens of the Stone Age (Man's Ruin) 1998 (Loosegroove) 1998
Rated R (Interscope) 2000
Feel Good Hit of the Summer EP (Interscope) 2000

Kyuss was spawned on the wrong side of the tracks in the country club oasis of Palm Desert, California; lacking anything resembling a club scene, the band honed its chops playing "generator parties" in the desert (presumably scattering gila monsters for miles around), emerging with a parched and blistering sound at the vortex where Black Flag, Black Sabbath and the Misfits meet. It's hard to discuss Kyuss without exhausting the permutations of the words "hot" and "dry," but song titles like "Molten Universe," "Caterpillar March," "Demon Cleaner" and "Asteroid" are aptly evocative.

Wretch (which followed an extremely rare 1990 release, Sons of Kyuss) contains the band's demos and sounds like it, creeping at times into a sort of grunge-Danzig realm. The album does surge with energy, however; guitarist Josh Homme's ultra-distorted, oddly tuned riffs and John Garcia's menacingly melodic vocals are full of the promise that bloomed on the band's next album.

Kyuss found itself through the agency of Chris Goss, the Masters of Reality vocalist whose affinity for droning fuzz-riffs, floorboard-rattling bass and skull-shattering cymbals proved a perfect fit on the three Kyuss albums he produced. On Blues for the Red Sun, Goss tapped into Kyuss' hidden reserve of nitrous oxide, resulting in a sound that's like speed-metal only without the speed, summoning visions of a flared tailpipe spewing exhaust fumes. The ferocious "Thumb" and the droning instrumental "Apothecaries' Weight" show Kyuss equally potent at playing hard and soft; though the album does drag a bit toward the end, it's one of the most gratifying blasts of volume this decade has yet produced.

Delayed for nearly a year by the collapse of Chameleon Records, the monolithic Kyuss (informally known as Welcome to Sky Valley for the road sign pictured on its cover) picks up right where its predecessor left off, verging into (tongue-in-cheek) ultra-pretentiousness by dividing the album into three roman-numeral "movements" and indulging in some of the most over-the-top instrumental work since the demise of Mountain. New bassist Scott Reeder (ex-Obsessed, but also a Palm Desert native) adds considerable Rickenbacker girth to an already fearsome rhythm section; the quartet branches out instrumentally with the trippy, acoustic "Space Cadet" and the calmer "Whitewater." The rest of it, however, is pure, brilliant brute force.

Kyuss had reached the end of that particular stylistic tether, however. ...And the Circus Leaves Town finds the band seeking a new direction with limited success. Following another personnel change (Alfredo Hernández of Palm Desert's Yawningman — whose "Catamaran" is covered here — replaced original drummer Brant Bjork), the songs are shorter, more concise and more deliberately melodic than in the past. But there's really not much here the group hadn't done before. The One Inch Man EP contains three self-produced tracks that stake out punkier, rawer sonic terrain and seem to hint at a promising new stylistic vein — unfortunately, they turned out to be the last songs Kyuss recorded. The band threw in the towel in late '95. Guitarist Josh Homme toured in Screaming Trees and formed Gamma Ray, which became Queens of the Stone Age — a trio with Hernández and onetime Kyuss bassist Nick Oliveri, who'd been playing in the Dwarves under the name Rex Everything.

Alltid hyggelig å kunne være til hjelp. :D

Jeg har bok-utgaven av The Trouser Press Guide to '90s Rock. Erindret at det var derfra jeg hadde det, og det stemte.
Ta tårnet, Ebralidze!

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Post by Lang trang gang »

DOH wrote:
fukkwitt wrote:vokalen er grusom.

Kunne ikke vært mer uenig.

Har aldri takla han, gett...
Fyy faan kor jæævlig det e!!!

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Post by DOH »

torjo wrote:
DOH wrote:
torjo wrote:Som jeg har nevnt tidligere heter plata egentlig bare "Kyuss"!
"Sky Valley" er en populær tittel, og greit nok det, så vet man hvilken man snakker om.

Jeg stiller meg sterkt tvilende til at den heter "Kyuss". Har enda til gode å se den bli kalt det noe som helst sted.

Men da skal du få et sted her og nå! :wink:

TrouserPress.com wrote:KYUSS

Sons of Kyuss (Black Highway Music) 1990
Wretch (Dali) 1991
Blues for the Red Sun (Dali/Elektra) 1992
Kyuss (Chameleon/Elektra) 1994
Demon Cleaner EP #1 EP (Ger. Elektra) 1994
Demon Cleaner EP #2 EP (Ger. Elektra) 1994
... And the Circus Leaves Town (Elektra) 1995
One Inch Man EP (UK Elektra) 1995

Queens of the Stone Age (Man's Ruin) 1998 (Loosegroove) 1998
Rated R (Interscope) 2000
Feel Good Hit of the Summer EP (Interscope) 2000

Kyuss was spawned on the wrong side of the tracks in the country club oasis of Palm Desert, California; lacking anything resembling a club scene, the band honed its chops playing "generator parties" in the desert (presumably scattering gila monsters for miles around), emerging with a parched and blistering sound at the vortex where Black Flag, Black Sabbath and the Misfits meet. It's hard to discuss Kyuss without exhausting the permutations of the words "hot" and "dry," but song titles like "Molten Universe," "Caterpillar March," "Demon Cleaner" and "Asteroid" are aptly evocative.

Wretch (which followed an extremely rare 1990 release, Sons of Kyuss) contains the band's demos and sounds like it, creeping at times into a sort of grunge-Danzig realm. The album does surge with energy, however; guitarist Josh Homme's ultra-distorted, oddly tuned riffs and John Garcia's menacingly melodic vocals are full of the promise that bloomed on the band's next album.

Kyuss found itself through the agency of Chris Goss, the Masters of Reality vocalist whose affinity for droning fuzz-riffs, floorboard-rattling bass and skull-shattering cymbals proved a perfect fit on the three Kyuss albums he produced. On Blues for the Red Sun, Goss tapped into Kyuss' hidden reserve of nitrous oxide, resulting in a sound that's like speed-metal only without the speed, summoning visions of a flared tailpipe spewing exhaust fumes. The ferocious "Thumb" and the droning instrumental "Apothecaries' Weight" show Kyuss equally potent at playing hard and soft; though the album does drag a bit toward the end, it's one of the most gratifying blasts of volume this decade has yet produced.

Delayed for nearly a year by the collapse of Chameleon Records, the monolithic Kyuss (informally known as Welcome to Sky Valley for the road sign pictured on its cover) picks up right where its predecessor left off, verging into (tongue-in-cheek) ultra-pretentiousness by dividing the album into three roman-numeral "movements" and indulging in some of the most over-the-top instrumental work since the demise of Mountain. New bassist Scott Reeder (ex-Obsessed, but also a Palm Desert native) adds considerable Rickenbacker girth to an already fearsome rhythm section; the quartet branches out instrumentally with the trippy, acoustic "Space Cadet" and the calmer "Whitewater." The rest of it, however, is pure, brilliant brute force.

Kyuss had reached the end of that particular stylistic tether, however. ...And the Circus Leaves Town finds the band seeking a new direction with limited success. Following another personnel change (Alfredo Hernández of Palm Desert's Yawningman — whose "Catamaran" is covered here — replaced original drummer Brant Bjork), the songs are shorter, more concise and more deliberately melodic than in the past. But there's really not much here the group hadn't done before. The One Inch Man EP contains three self-produced tracks that stake out punkier, rawer sonic terrain and seem to hint at a promising new stylistic vein — unfortunately, they turned out to be the last songs Kyuss recorded. The band threw in the towel in late '95. Guitarist Josh Homme toured in Screaming Trees and formed Gamma Ray, which became Queens of the Stone Age — a trio with Hernández and onetime Kyuss bassist Nick Oliveri, who'd been playing in the Dwarves under the name Rex Everything.

Alltid hyggelig å kunne være til hjelp. :D

Jeg har bok-utgaven av The Trouser Press Guide to '90s Rock. Erindret at det var derfra jeg hadde det, og det stemte.

Jeg er fortsatt ikke overbevist.

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Post by torjo »

Kranglefant! :)

Jeg stoler uansett på Trouser Press. Deres tyngde innenfor alternativ rock er stor.

Edit: Jeg sjekket min egen CD hjemme. Der sto det kun "Kyuss" på ryggen.
Ta tårnet, Ebralidze!

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Post by Arnvidr »

Det er riktig at det kun står Kyuss på ryggen, men har aldri sett den bli referert til som det noen steder. Men din Trouser Press quote overbeviser meg nesten :)

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Post by knuthulhu »

Sky valley er et navn som er vanlig i bruk, men skiva HETER Kyuss. Trouser press er meget pålitelige når det gjelder 90-tallet, som Torjo påpeker. Dette har en del felles med Led Zeppelins fjerde album; det heter egentlig ikke noe som helst, men man har flere måter å gjøre det klart hvilket album man mener på.
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Post by manimal »

Kyuss er et av mine absolutte favoritt band, de tre siste skivene er alle klassikere, men det er liten tvil om at "sky valley" (som jeg bestandig har kalt den) er den feteste. Monumentalt mesterverk!

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Post by Salsten »

Har bare hørt "Sky valley", men den er j****g fet. Ough!

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Post by RWDF »

Kyuss/QOTSA-splitten er rimelig tøff også.
And I hope that you die, and your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket, in the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered, down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave, 'til I'm sure that you're dead

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Post by thorel »

Salsten wrote:Har bare hørt "Sky valley", men den er j****g fet. Ough!

Hørte Kyuss - Kyuss første gang i dag, virker meget lovende.

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Post by Innipunn »

Blues For The Red Sun!
Got a spot that gets me hot, and you ain´t been to it!

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Post by SisterValerie »

Kicker som f**n på ...And The Cirkus Leaves Town og Welcome to Sky Valley for tiden!

Ooooh, I like. Spesielt Size Queen på ...And the Cirkus Leaves Town. Kul rytme.

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