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Ikke akkurat de beste Genesis albumene, men spesielt Invisible Touch er en god popplate.torjo wrote:Genesis - Abacab
Genesis - S/T
Genesis - Invisible Touch
Heavy Metal
Loud as it can be
Loud as it can be
S/T er også mer enn godkjent med "Home By The Sea" og den mørke gromlåta "Mama", i mine ører. Verdt skiva grunnet disse to.UndeadFlowerKing wrote:Ikke akkurat de beste Genesis albumene, men spesielt Invisible Touch er en god popplate.torjo wrote:Genesis - Abacab
Genesis - S/T
Genesis - Invisible Touch
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En deilig bunke fra TheUnborn:
s***n - Court in the act
Horisont - Odyssey
Helstar - Burning Star
Magnum - On storyteller's night
Living Death - Metal Revolution
The Obsessed - The Church within
Tarot - The Warrior's spell
Sacral Rage - Illusions in infinite void
Pluss litt annet snacks:
Flight - Flight LP
Voodoo Child - Adrenaline LP
Black Hole - Land of mystery LP
Dark Sonority cd
Anekdoten - Until all the ghosts are gone LP
Møster! - When you cut into the present LP
Weidorje - s/t LP
Neste på innkjøpslista: Popol Vuh-repressene! Det svir i pungen.
s***n - Court in the act
Horisont - Odyssey
Helstar - Burning Star
Magnum - On storyteller's night
Living Death - Metal Revolution
The Obsessed - The Church within
Tarot - The Warrior's spell
Sacral Rage - Illusions in infinite void
Pluss litt annet snacks:
Flight - Flight LP
Voodoo Child - Adrenaline LP
Black Hole - Land of mystery LP
Dark Sonority cd
Anekdoten - Until all the ghosts are gone LP
Møster! - When you cut into the present LP
Weidorje - s/t LP
Neste på innkjøpslista: Popol Vuh-repressene! Det svir i pungen.
Kjøpte disse mest for å (nesten) komplettere Genesis-samlinga. Mangler kun Calling All Stations av studioplatene, og det spørs vel om jeg i det hele tatt kommer til å kjøpe den. Begynner å kjenne på at jeg ikke har uendelig mye plass i heimen.UndeadFlowerKing wrote:Ikke akkurat de beste Genesis albumene, men spesielt Invisible Touch er en god popplate.torjo wrote:Genesis - Abacab
Genesis - S/T
Genesis - Invisible Touch
Joda, som pop-plater har nok disse platene noe for seg. Jeg har egentlig bare hørt de mest kjente sangene, bl.a. "Mama" og "Land of Confusion". Trivelig nok å lytte til om man ignorerer det faktum at dette er samme band som spilte inn Nursery Cryme og Foxtrot. OK, samme band minus Hackett og Gabriel!
Ta tårnet, Ebralidze!
Adversarial (Can.) "D.E.N.A.T.B.K.O.N." LP + Booklet
Abyssal (UK) "Antikatastaseis" Gatefold D-LP (Black)
Sabbat (Jap.) "Satanasword" Gatefold LP
Revenge (Can.) "Attack.Blood.Revenge" Special Packing LP Die Hard
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Abyssal (UK) "Antikatastaseis" Gatefold D-LP (Black)
Sabbat (Jap.) "Satanasword" Gatefold LP
Revenge (Can.) "Attack.Blood.Revenge" Special Packing LP Die Hard
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- Poser
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- Poser
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De siste to månedene:
Sun of the Blind "Skullreader" LP
Spire "Metamorph" LP
Sa Meute "50 Contre 1" LP
Midnight Odyssey "Firmament" DLP
Katechon "Coronation" Die Hard LP
Chaos Echoes "Transient" CD
Black Cilice "A Corpse, A Temple" CD
Sheidim "Amidst the Ashes of Consciousness" 7"
W.A.I.L. "Wisdom Through Agony into Illumination..." CD
Clandestine Blaze "New Golgotha Rising" LP
Bolzer "Roman Acupuncture" Black Vinyl MLP
Katechon "Man God Giant" Test Press LP
Cosmic Church "Ylistys" DLP+Booklet
Ill Omen "Enthroning the Bonds of Abhorrence" Die Hard DLP
Katechon "MMXI - MMXIV" Pic LP (Lim to 100)
Black Cilice "Mysteries" LP
Kaos Sacramentum ¨Bloodcurse Stigmata¨ CD
Icon of Phobos "Icon of Phobos" CD
Ill Omen "Enthroning the Bonds..." Test Press DLP
Death Karma "The History Of Death & Burial Rituals..." Die Hard LP
Doombringer "The Grand Sabbath" Die Hard LP
Doombringer - Sevenfold Pestilence 7", EP
Vordr / Askeregn - Vordr / Askeregn 7 "
Cultes Des Goules / Faustcoven - Cultes, Covens, Sinister Rites 7", EP
Chants From The Void - Untitled (Cass, S/Sided, RE)
Ysengrin - Archivum MMV - MMX (Cass, Comp)
Black Cilice - Summoning the Night CD
Sortilegia - Ecstasies of the Sabbath 7"
King Dude - Songs of Flesh and Blood 12"
13th Moon - Abhorrence Of Light LP
Antediluvian - λόγος LP
Antediluvian - Through The Cervix Of Hawaah LP
Askeregn - Monumenter LP
Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes LP
Beastmilk - Climax LP
Blut Aus Nord - 777 - Cosmosophy LP
Blut Aus Nord - Fathers Of The Icy Age - Memoria Vetusta I LP
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee LP
Burzum - Fallen LP
Carpe Noctem - In Terra Profugus LP
Chelsea Wolfe - Pain is Beauty LP
Cult Of Fire - मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान LP
Dark Sonority - Kaosrekviem EP
Deathspell Omega – Infernal Battles LP
Deathspell Omega – Inquisitors Of s***n LP
Dødsengel - Alongside Choronzon EP
Hetroertzen - Exaltation Of Wisdom - Through Light Towards Chaos LP
Jex Thoth - Totem 12 "
Katechon - Man, God, Giant LP
Katharsis - Fourth Reich LP
Kêres - Old Blood For A New Moon LP
Sarath - Husk du skal dø 7"
Sargeist - Disciple Of The Heinous Path LP
Sargeist - Let The Devil In LP
Urfaust - Der Freiwillige Bettler LP
Urfaust - Ritual Music For The True Clochard LP
Wrathprayer - The Sun Of Moloch: The Sublimation Of Sulphur’s Essence Which Spawned Death And Life LP
Void Meditatin Cult - Sulfurous Prayers Of Blight And Darkness LP
TeitanFyre - Morbid Death's Sceptre LP
Sheol - Sepulchral Ruins Below the Temple 12"
Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux 12 "
Dead Congregation - Promulgation Of The Fall LP
Kaamos - Kaamos LP
Nachash - Conjuring The Red Death Eclipse (Cass, EP, Ltd)
Marduk - Serpent Sermon (Cass, with patch)
Watain - The Wild Hunt - MC
Sun of the Blind "Skullreader" LP
Spire "Metamorph" LP
Sa Meute "50 Contre 1" LP
Midnight Odyssey "Firmament" DLP
Katechon "Coronation" Die Hard LP
Chaos Echoes "Transient" CD
Black Cilice "A Corpse, A Temple" CD
Sheidim "Amidst the Ashes of Consciousness" 7"
W.A.I.L. "Wisdom Through Agony into Illumination..." CD
Clandestine Blaze "New Golgotha Rising" LP
Bolzer "Roman Acupuncture" Black Vinyl MLP
Katechon "Man God Giant" Test Press LP
Cosmic Church "Ylistys" DLP+Booklet
Ill Omen "Enthroning the Bonds of Abhorrence" Die Hard DLP
Katechon "MMXI - MMXIV" Pic LP (Lim to 100)
Black Cilice "Mysteries" LP
Kaos Sacramentum ¨Bloodcurse Stigmata¨ CD
Icon of Phobos "Icon of Phobos" CD
Ill Omen "Enthroning the Bonds..." Test Press DLP
Death Karma "The History Of Death & Burial Rituals..." Die Hard LP
Doombringer "The Grand Sabbath" Die Hard LP
Doombringer - Sevenfold Pestilence 7", EP
Vordr / Askeregn - Vordr / Askeregn 7 "
Cultes Des Goules / Faustcoven - Cultes, Covens, Sinister Rites 7", EP
Chants From The Void - Untitled (Cass, S/Sided, RE)
Ysengrin - Archivum MMV - MMX (Cass, Comp)
Black Cilice - Summoning the Night CD
Sortilegia - Ecstasies of the Sabbath 7"
King Dude - Songs of Flesh and Blood 12"
13th Moon - Abhorrence Of Light LP
Antediluvian - λόγος LP
Antediluvian - Through The Cervix Of Hawaah LP
Askeregn - Monumenter LP
Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes LP
Beastmilk - Climax LP
Blut Aus Nord - 777 - Cosmosophy LP
Blut Aus Nord - Fathers Of The Icy Age - Memoria Vetusta I LP
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee LP
Burzum - Fallen LP
Carpe Noctem - In Terra Profugus LP
Chelsea Wolfe - Pain is Beauty LP
Cult Of Fire - मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान LP
Dark Sonority - Kaosrekviem EP
Deathspell Omega – Infernal Battles LP
Deathspell Omega – Inquisitors Of s***n LP
Dødsengel - Alongside Choronzon EP
Hetroertzen - Exaltation Of Wisdom - Through Light Towards Chaos LP
Jex Thoth - Totem 12 "
Katechon - Man, God, Giant LP
Katharsis - Fourth Reich LP
Kêres - Old Blood For A New Moon LP
Sarath - Husk du skal dø 7"
Sargeist - Disciple Of The Heinous Path LP
Sargeist - Let The Devil In LP
Urfaust - Der Freiwillige Bettler LP
Urfaust - Ritual Music For The True Clochard LP
Wrathprayer - The Sun Of Moloch: The Sublimation Of Sulphur’s Essence Which Spawned Death And Life LP
Void Meditatin Cult - Sulfurous Prayers Of Blight And Darkness LP
TeitanFyre - Morbid Death's Sceptre LP
Sheol - Sepulchral Ruins Below the Temple 12"
Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux 12 "
Dead Congregation - Promulgation Of The Fall LP
Kaamos - Kaamos LP
Nachash - Conjuring The Red Death Eclipse (Cass, EP, Ltd)
Marduk - Serpent Sermon (Cass, with patch)
Watain - The Wild Hunt - MC
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Hva Pop-Genesis angår mener jeg Calling All Stations ikke på noe sett bør forbigås, sett opp i mot Pop generelt er det enda mindre grunn til at den bør forbigås. Rett og slett ei småtrivelig Pop-skive, og slik jeg husker f.eks Invisible Touch-skiva vil jeg nok påstå at CAS er minst like bra om ikke bedre. Undertegnede er riktignok ingen stor Genesis fan uansett besetning, men sett i lys av nettopp det så ser jeg da også musikken slik jeg opplever den - uavhengig av hvem de impliserte ertorjo wrote:Kjøpte disse mest for å (nesten) komplettere Genesis-samlinga. Mangler kun Calling All Stations av studioplatene, og det spørs vel om jeg i det hele tatt kommer til å kjøpe den. Begynner å kjenne på at jeg ikke har uendelig mye plass i heimen.UndeadFlowerKing wrote:Ikke akkurat de beste Genesis albumene, men spesielt Invisible Touch er en god popplate.torjo wrote:Genesis - Abacab
Genesis - S/T
Genesis - Invisible Touch
Joda, som pop-plater har nok disse platene noe for seg. Jeg har egentlig bare hørt de mest kjente sangene, bl.a. "Mama" og "Land of Confusion". Trivelig nok å lytte til om man ignorerer det faktum at dette er samme band som spilte inn Nursery Cryme og Foxtrot. OK, samme band minus Hackett og Gabriel!

Utsagn fra Brumunddal:Han: "Je må innrømme att je er litt på sjekker'n"
Hun: "Det kommer du ikke langt med her"
Han:"Je kjæm helt i fra Åsbygda je"!
Being a Klopp-timist YNWA <3
Hun: "Det kommer du ikke langt med her"
Han:"Je kjæm helt i fra Åsbygda je"!
Being a Klopp-timist YNWA <3
- Poser
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Pass deg, det kan være smittsomttorjo wrote:Ikke fan av prog-Genesis heller? Du er en underlig skrue du!

Nei såvel Genesis som Gentle Giant er ikke noe jeg har kjempesans for, og tro meg de har fått plenty av muligheter til å gjøre inntrykk - men det bare sitter ikke slik jeg hadde håpt/forventet
Utsagn fra Brumunddal:Han: "Je må innrømme att je er litt på sjekker'n"
Hun: "Det kommer du ikke langt med her"
Han:"Je kjæm helt i fra Åsbygda je"!
Being a Klopp-timist YNWA <3
Hun: "Det kommer du ikke langt med her"
Han:"Je kjæm helt i fra Åsbygda je"!
Being a Klopp-timist YNWA <3
- Belieber
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- Age: 53
Midnight Odyssey - Shards of silver fade CD
Midnight Odyssey - Funerals from the astral sphere
Shade Empire - Omega Arcane CD
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora Lp
Drudkh - The swan road Lp
Drudkh - Blood in our wells Lo
Drudkh - Microkosmos Lp
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Midnight Odyssey - Funerals from the astral sphere
Shade Empire - Omega Arcane CD
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora Lp
Drudkh - The swan road Lp
Drudkh - Blood in our wells Lo
Drudkh - Microkosmos Lp
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66 cder og lper på to mnd? Der snakker vi en liten formue.CocaineChrist wrote:De siste to månedene:
Sun of the Blind "Skullreader" LP
Spire "Metamorph" LP
Sa Meute "50 Contre 1" LP
Midnight Odyssey "Firmament" DLP
Katechon "Coronation" Die Hard LP
Chaos Echoes "Transient" CD
Black Cilice "A Corpse, A Temple" CD
Sheidim "Amidst the Ashes of Consciousness" 7"
W.A.I.L. "Wisdom Through Agony into Illumination..." CD
Clandestine Blaze "New Golgotha Rising" LP
Bolzer "Roman Acupuncture" Black Vinyl MLP
Katechon "Man God Giant" Test Press LP
Cosmic Church "Ylistys" DLP+Booklet
Ill Omen "Enthroning the Bonds of Abhorrence" Die Hard DLP
Katechon "MMXI - MMXIV" Pic LP (Lim to 100)
Black Cilice "Mysteries" LP
Kaos Sacramentum ¨Bloodcurse Stigmata¨ CD
Icon of Phobos "Icon of Phobos" CD
Ill Omen "Enthroning the Bonds..." Test Press DLP
Death Karma "The History Of Death & Burial Rituals..." Die Hard LP
Doombringer "The Grand Sabbath" Die Hard LP
Doombringer - Sevenfold Pestilence 7", EP
Vordr / Askeregn - Vordr / Askeregn 7 "
Cultes Des Goules / Faustcoven - Cultes, Covens, Sinister Rites 7", EP
Chants From The Void - Untitled (Cass, S/Sided, RE)
Ysengrin - Archivum MMV - MMX (Cass, Comp)
Black Cilice - Summoning the Night CD
Sortilegia - Ecstasies of the Sabbath 7"
King Dude - Songs of Flesh and Blood 12"
13th Moon - Abhorrence Of Light LP
Antediluvian - λόγος LP
Antediluvian - Through The Cervix Of Hawaah LP
Askeregn - Monumenter LP
Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes LP
Beastmilk - Climax LP
Blut Aus Nord - 777 - Cosmosophy LP
Blut Aus Nord - Fathers Of The Icy Age - Memoria Vetusta I LP
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee LP
Burzum - Fallen LP
Carpe Noctem - In Terra Profugus LP
Chelsea Wolfe - Pain is Beauty LP
Cult Of Fire - मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान LP
Dark Sonority - Kaosrekviem EP
Deathspell Omega – Infernal Battles LP
Deathspell Omega – Inquisitors Of s***n LP
Dødsengel - Alongside Choronzon EP
Hetroertzen - Exaltation Of Wisdom - Through Light Towards Chaos LP
Jex Thoth - Totem 12 "
Katechon - Man, God, Giant LP
Katharsis - Fourth Reich LP
Kêres - Old Blood For A New Moon LP
Sarath - Husk du skal dø 7"
Sargeist - Disciple Of The Heinous Path LP
Sargeist - Let The Devil In LP
Urfaust - Der Freiwillige Bettler LP
Urfaust - Ritual Music For The True Clochard LP
Wrathprayer - The Sun Of Moloch: The Sublimation Of Sulphur’s Essence Which Spawned Death And Life LP
Void Meditatin Cult - Sulfurous Prayers Of Blight And Darkness LP
TeitanFyre - Morbid Death's Sceptre LP
Sheol - Sepulchral Ruins Below the Temple 12"
Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux 12 "
Dead Congregation - Promulgation Of The Fall LP
Kaamos - Kaamos LP
Nachash - Conjuring The Red Death Eclipse (Cass, EP, Ltd)
Marduk - Serpent Sermon (Cass, with patch)
Watain - The Wild Hunt - MC
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