torjo wrote:Angående lydnivå: The Who hadde lenge verdensrekorden i lydvolum. Jeg har Guinness Rekordbok fra 1978 hjemme, hvor de er kreditert for dette.
Det du skriver her, stemmer selvsagt (hva gjelder The Who og the Loudest band in the world 1978).
Likevel blir det litt misvisende når du tar dette til inntekt for at "The Who hadde
lenge verdensrekorden i lydvolum".
Det er ikke slik at The Who hadde denne "rekorden" hele tiden før 1978 også. Blant annet kan jeg i hvert fall presisere at f.eks. Deep Purple hadde samme "rekord" så tidlig som i 1971/1972... (Mer presist ble de omtalt som "Loudest Pop Group"!

Husker jeg ikke helt feil, hadde Deep Purple tittelen "Loudest Pop group in the world" aka Loudest band in the world" i hvert fall for årene 1972 og 1975. Det har jeg sett ved selvsyn!
Etter 1975 var de av naturlige årsaker ikke lenger kandidat til tittelen, men på tross av dette mente jeg at de faktisk hadde denne tittelen i noe år etter dette også...
Men hvis du har sett at The Who hadde tittelen i 1978, stemmer det sikkert!
Roger Glover har for øvrig uttalt følgende om tittelen i et intervju:
You were actually in the Guinness Book of Records with that title, weren't you?
Roger Glover wrote:Yeah, the problem is that it became something that was very hard to live down, although it was of so little importance to us. That situation came about because we were touring in Europe and America, and to save shipping costs we decided we'd have two lots of gear - it was obviously all Marshalls at the time - an identical setup either side of the Atlantic. However, as we became more successful as a band, the equipment increased because of the size of the gigs in America - huge arenas and so on - and it got to the stage where we couldn't afford the outlay of having identical equipment on either side. So we had one huge setup made which could cope with the arena-sized gigs, and took that to America. At the end of that tour we played what was then the Astoria at Finsbury Park, with all this stuff, and it was only a three thousand seater! The problem was that once you get used to playing at a certain volume level it's very difficult to back off - it becomes alomost like a security blanket - and the thinking was also that if you didn't play at that volume level then you weren't giving of your best. Unknown to us, the Guinness people were there - it wasn't pre-arranged or anything - and so as a result of the volume levels at that gig we became 'the loudest band in the world!'
To us it was a hoot, and we had a good laugh over it - I mean we only held the title for a year I think, before The Who took it over - but we seem to have become the band most associated with that. Now, though, we go out of our way not to be too loud!
At Glover ikke nevner 1975, antar jeg har sammenheng med at han ikke var medlem av Deep Purple, og dermed heller ikke vil nevne dette faktum...
Det er verdt å merke seg at verken The Who eller Deep Purple har vært nevneverdig opptatt av at de hadde denne tittelen.
Kiss var jo tidlig ute og hevdet at de var "The Loudest Band in the World", "The Best band in the World"(SIC!), uten at de noengang har innehatt den "offisielle tittelen, meg bekjent.
Manowar har også vært sykelig opptatt av å være "Loudest, Fastest, Wildest, Heavy'est - Pick your choosing!, og har i motsetning til Kiss, også innehatt tittelen "The Loudest band in the World" (tror jeg?)
Tror også Iron Maiden hevder å ha vært "Loudest" i 1984/1985, uten at jeg klarer å få bekreftet det noe sted. (Guiness-Bøkene er hjemme, så de får jeg ikke sett i her.) De er i hvert fall kredittert ca i 1990 for "Largest PA-system"!