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Xasthur kaster in håndklet

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 08:49
by tyand
Tsja, like greit. Høres ut som fyren har blitt rimelig desillusjonert. Uasett har han et knippe fantastiske utgivelser/låter på samvittigheten.
This album, "Portal of Sorrow", is the last Xasthur album, period.
The honorable thing to do is to end the band and not hang around too long, like so many metal/black metal bands do. Enough is enough, right?

I'm not able to make it work anymore. I don't want to turn into one of those bands who rely on too many guests and session musicians to make people interested in their music again. Some help is fine but more than some help is very cheap and it becomes others, not the roots of the band that makes the difference and the music work. I don’t want to fall into that pattern.
The motivation and inspiration used to be there full time and now it's not there at all, not for doing Xasthur at least. It is a role or persona that I have simply outgrown. I’ve been saying I’m sick and tired of it all for too long... and now, I’m going to back it up. There are or have been literally 18,000 black metal bands; it does not matter if there's one less.

Just like in the nineties, I made a few recent attempts to put a real line-up together and it still failed; another sign that said “give it up already”.

However, I wanted to end on a better note with this 'Portal of Sorrow' album because the album that came before it, 'All reflections drained', was not up to par and I couldn't finish up with an album that I was less than satisfied with. Now, I suppose any or all goals have been reached and there is nothing more I wish to try with Xasthur and it's time to move on...

Since it would be foolish to give up music all together, I have something else to fall back on that is beginning to take shape. It's a new beginning that I'm quite excited about.

Instead, I'm going to do something different by not performing any kind of metal at all!
There's no use in trying to reinvent black metal or turn it upside down, it's all been done and in the end, it's still metal and will remain within those circles, stereotypes and boundaries no matter what. Overall, I need a bigger change in my life and with music than just trying to change metal.
There isn't anything to lose.

I would ask you to stay tuned for my next project and give it a plug but there's no need to. It's probably of no interest to you and again, it has nothing to do with metal and I'm not trying to keep any connection or ties to it.
I will not name influences, genres or anything of the sort.

Believe me when I say this decision has been well thought out for months and doesn't come out of frustration.
Something I usually hate is comebacks, reunions or reformations of bands. You can be rest assured (for even relieved) that this will not happen.

I would like to say f**k you to so many people it’s not even funny, but that would be just another way of not washing my hands and hanging around, so I won’t bother.
Instead, I would like to say thank you to a handful of people who took an interest in the music over the years and had the patience to (slowly but surely) watch it grow and develop. I'm more grateful than you think; you know who you are and I know who you are.
I'd also like to say thanks to Marissa Nadler for taking her voice to another level, to Ron for helping design the album and to Hydra Head for the hospitality over the last few years.

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 09:12
by DarthVidar
Kanskje like greit. Mye vissvass der i gården ja, men det som er bra er grisefett!

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 10:39
by stunix
Xasthur er, og kommer alltid til å være, et av mine favorittband.

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 11:15
by Terror_mit_uns
6 år for seint

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 11:21
by Lang trang gang
Fett, beste bandet noen gang har gjort!

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 12:13
by gnombob
Pessband uten sidestykke.

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 12:14
by Lang trang gang
Ørlite granne bra materiale, men jevnt over mig, ja.

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 12:39
by William Gull
Synes All Reflections Drained var j***a knall jeg. En del annet Xasthur materiale som også er fett. Men kanskje på tide å gi seg nå ja.

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 14:14
by Wraith
Merker at jeg bryr meg svært lite. Hmmm... Hadde en liten Xasthur-periode i fjor sommer, men det gikk fort over.

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 17:39
by Dundrix
For mye vissvass imellom det lille som var bra, så dette er helt greit. Håper han kjører på videre med Lycia-inspirerte greier, det kom ikke helt til sin rett i black metal, gitt.

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 21:30
by Vorax
Jeg har Telepathic with the Deceased og To Violate the Oblivious, sistnevnte ble spilt en del da den kom, men det er lenge siden jeg har hørt på bandet. Det finnes bedre black metal for å si det enkelt.

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 22:56
by tyand
Personlig synes jeg splitten med Leviathan er det beste han har gjort, av de skivene jeg har hørt. "Keeper of Sharpened Blades (And Ominous Fates)", makan til stemning, det kan man ikke nektes på.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 12:35
by tyand
The first pressing of 1500 copies (portal of sorrow) is sold out. I'm temporarily out of stock, I'm sure very few are holding their breath. Anyway, I'll make another pressing maybe later in the year, maybe never.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 17:50
by TheUnborn
tyand wrote:
I'll make another pressing maybe later in the year, maybe never.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 19:23
by Terrorsatan
Har en skive, og den trekkes neppe frem igjen. Ikke noe savn for meg.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 20:09
by Eon
gnombob wrote:Pessband uten sidestykke.
Relativt enig.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 20:59
by Sabizz
Han traff veldig godt på vaffal tre utgivelser, som alle er nevnt i tråden. Ellers endel rør, som ikke falt i smak

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 07:52
by Nudua

Posted: 04 Jul 2012, 13:10
by fres

Han har en 10 låter spredt rundt som for Meg, fortsatt står som det ypperste innen black metal. Vil aldri glemme første kassetten jeg kjøpte av han