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Moderne psykedelisk rock

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 08:28
by Shrinebuilder
Anbefalings- og generell info-tråd om kontemporær psykedelisk rock.
Er en smule fersk innen sjangeren, men har kommet over en del fete band hittil, og vil ha flere anbefalinger.

Har hørt en del på disse:

Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound

The Black Angels

Colour Haze

Dead Meadow

Loop (ikke lenger aktive)

White Hills

Wooden Shjips

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 09:42
by master_k

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 09:51
by Shrinebuilder
Oi, fett tips.
Sjekkes ut nå.

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 09:57
by Olsen
Dead Meadow og the Black Angels er dritbra. Har faktisk fire Dead Meadow-skiver, j****g kule vinylutgivelser.

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 09:57
by Shrinebuilder
Bardo Pond

Ser disse bli nevnt over alt, får vel endelig sjekke de.
Høres bra ut.

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 09:58
by Shrinebuilder
Olsen wrote:Dead Meadow og the Black Angels er dritbra. Har faktisk fire Dead Meadow-skiver, j****g kule vinylutgivelser.
På grunnlag av dette burde du høre Assemble Head og White Hills, de er i samme gate som de nevnte bandene.

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 10:15
by Olsen
Shrinebuilder wrote:
Olsen wrote:Dead Meadow og the Black Angels er dritbra. Har faktisk fire Dead Meadow-skiver, j****g kule vinylutgivelser.
På grunnlag av dette burde du høre Assemble Head og White Hills, de er i samme gate som de nevnte bandene.
Will do!

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 09:52
by Shrinebuilder

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 10:56
by Dirant
Sleepy Sun spiller sammen med Buckaduzz på Garage 21. November, hvis noen er interessert.

Posted: 25 Nov 2010, 08:04
by Shrinebuilder

Posted: 25 Nov 2010, 09:23
by PsychoDad
Yawning man er flott sommarmusikk.

Posted: 25 Nov 2010, 09:58
by Shrinebuilder
Imaad Wasif

The Voidist (2009):

Wasif’s third album, The Voidist, was released in 2009 on Tee Pee Records. Recorded in Los Angeles by Chad Bamford, The Voidist is at once “regal and exuberant. Its unique sonic tapestry is sprinkled with ragas, blues rock, and something totally new that exists at the apex of these varied influences.”
The album includes both solo acoustic and full band rock tracks recorded with Two Part Beast plus guests Dale Crover (Melvins) and Greg Burns (Red Sparowes). Wasif has stated in interviews that some of the songs for this album came to him from parallel astral planes and that his androgynous soul enables him to inhabit a range of perspectives. Other influences that Wasif has cited include William Blake, Robert Desnos, Gérard de Nerval, Patti Smith, John Fahey, Don Van Vliet, Vilayat Khan, Ali Akbar Khan, Bismillah Khan and 13th Floor Elevators.

Strange Hexes (2008):

Wasif’s second album, Strange Hexes, was self-released in 2008. Recorded in Los Angeles by Tom Biller with a new backing band, Two Part Beast, the record was a return to Wasif’s early rock driven compositions. Two Part Beast consists of Adam Garcia on drums and Bobb Bruno on bass. The album is a “tense, trippy collection of songs that become fiercely emotional explorations.”
The songs incorporate Eastern modal tunings and drones, influences from the Indian classical music traditions passed on from his father who was a Ghazal singer and harmonium player. Strange Hexes will be re-released in 2010 on Tee Pee Records.

Posted: 25 Nov 2010, 13:43
by Shrinebuilder
Mondo Drag

New Rituals (2010):

Like a modern-day Hawkwind, Mondo Drag fall from the cosmos with the spaced-out 60′s psychedelia of the title track. It’s the sound of UFO’s visiting an outdoor rock concert with an audience of stoned bikers and damaged post-Pink Floyd space travelers. That is to say, it’s great! Moving on from there, "Love Me (Like A Stranger)" dares to meld Black Sabbath with early Syd-era Floyd, to wondrously lysergic sludge-rock effect. "Come Through" is on a similar flight path as the Brian Jonestown Massacre, with it’s laid-back blissed-out vibe. "Serpent Shake" revs it up with a driving riff mantra. These are the true children of the bong, and "New Rituals" is a powerhouse stoner-rock album that reaches back to the past and brings it back to the future, bleary-eyed and on a whole different kinda trip. – Goatsden

Posted: 25 Nov 2010, 18:31
by Shrinebuilder
Hush Arbors

Ikke reinspikka psykedelia, men trivelig folkrock med psykedeliske partier.

To album på spotify:

Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 10:58
by Shrinebuilder
Awesome Color

Tre skiver på spotify:

Tar gjerne imot tips...

Posted: 26 Nov 2010, 11:47
by Panabear
Carlton Melton

Kan vel også nevne Brightblack Morning Light, det ligger et par skiver på Spotify. Ikke akkurat psykedelia, men veldig stemningsfull folk som har noe psykedelisk over seg, i det minste på noen av låtene.

Posted: 27 Nov 2010, 15:40
by master_k
Rancho Relaxo

Litt selvpromotering har aldri tatt livet av noen... Jeg spiller gitar i dette bandet. Neste gig er for øvrig på by:larm i februar. Blir gøy!

Posted: 27 Nov 2010, 15:50
by Shrinebuilder
Sjekker det ut nå, høres ikke så dumt ut dette!

Posted: 03 Dec 2010, 12:48
by smeghead
bra tråd! mye jeg ikke har hørt her.
den første Serena Maneesh-skiva må jo nevnes. og Brightblack Morning Light, selv om de er litt søvndyssende til tider. Danava lagde jeg en egen tråd om en gang, de MÅ sjekkes ut. og A Place to Bury Strangers. æææh, orker ikke å linke til masse greier i dag, såri.

Posted: 09 Dec 2010, 09:47
by Dirant
Jeg erklerer herved dette for den beste tråden på Scream akkurat nå.

Hører masse på Imaad Wasif, Dead Meadow og The Black Angels for tiden.

Randho Relaxo var veldig bra, Ole. Har visst om det en stund, aner ikke hvorfor jeg ikke har hørt på det før nå. Stjernene var vel ikke i rett posisjon, haha.