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A Forest of Stars - A Shadowplay for Yesterdays

Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 01:10
by sumostig


  1. Directionless Resurrectionist
  2. Prey Tell of the Church Fate
  3. A Prophet for a Pound of Flesh
  4. The Blight of God's Acre
  5. Man's Laughter
  6. The Underside of Eden
  7. Gather of the Pure
  8. Left Behind as Static
  9. Corvus Corona (Pt. I)
  10. Corvus Corona (Pt. II)

A Forest of Stars - Gatherer of the Pure [official music video]

j****g bra! Liker videoen godt og.

Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 22:45
by Nash

Håhå, denne gleder jeg meg til ja. Mye kjedeligere cover enn sist gang, men musikken virker like konge! Herlige stemningskollasjer de skaper - en fantastisk reise ned i folks mørke undertoner.

Posted: 01 Jul 2012, 14:17
by VonMünchhausen

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