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NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed (ute nå)

Posted: 26 May 2015, 19:45
by Aspergers Inc.
Slippdato 28. august. Her er to av låtene:


Blabbermouth wrote:Comments NILE mastermind Karl Sanders: "All of us in NILE are happy to announce our upcoming newest album, 'What Should Not Be Unearthed'. It's our eighth official album, and this time we believe we have a truly crushing disc to bring to metal fans.'

"The focus this time around is on brutally heavy metal riffing and songwriting; kind of like of an 'Annihilation Of The Wicked' approach but very streamlined to achieve maximum destructive impact."

He continues: "Our last record, 'At The Gates Of Sethu', was super surgically clean and very 'musicianship oriented' whereas the new disc is a polar opposite; 'Unearthed' is aimed straight at utter metal heaviness and memorable songwriting.

"Although 'Unearthed' is still full of the kind of undeniable musicianship people have come to expect from NILE over the years, it's the songs themselves that will hit listeners over the head this time around." ... in-august/

En Europa-turné med Suffocation er også annonsert, men selvsagt uten konserter i Skandinavia.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 26 May 2015, 22:12
by ghazten
Gleder meg som vanlig. Alltid ett par drita bra låter på platene.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 26 May 2015, 22:38
by Welhaven
Det glædes!!

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 27 May 2015, 00:24
by VonMünchhausen
Ut fra cover og skriverier kan dette bli en solid opptur. I så fall blir det den beste skiva deres på ti år.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 19:02
by Aspergers Inc.

In anticipation of their new upcoming record, the masters of historical-themed brutality, NILE, reveal the track list of 'What Should Not Be Unearthed', which will be released on August, 28th via Nuclear Blast.

The track list is as follows:
01. Call To Destruction
02. Negating The Abominable Coils Of Apep
03. Liber Stellae Rubeae
04. In The Name Of Amun
05. What Should Not Be Unearthed
06. Evil To Cast Out Evil
07. Age Of Famine
08. Ushabti Reanimator
09. Rape Of The Black Earth
10. To Walk Forth From Flames Unscathed

Mastermind Karl Sanders comments on the band’s new album:

“The goal for the new record was sheer epic brutality. The focus this time around is on brutal heavy metal riffing and songwriting; kind of like an Annihilation Of The Wicked approach but very streamlined to achieve maximum destructive impact. So we believe that we have a truly crushing disc to bring to metal fans. Although Unearthed is still full of the kind of undeniable musicianship people have come to expect from us over the years, it’s the songs themselves that will hit listeners over the head this time around.”
"Kind of like an Annihilation Of The Wicked approach", det liker man! Ikke så alt for lenge til skiva kommer nå, så forventer en smakebit eller to i nærmeste framtid.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 20:42
by Nils Barvåg
Meget lovende forhåndsomtale. Fikk aldri taket på "...Sethu". Sikkert fordi jeg ikke er musiker...

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 09 Jul 2015, 20:23
by Affen
Bra skive, absolutt.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 09 Jul 2015, 22:54
by Wraith
Jeg fikk det for meg at jeg likte Nile, og gikk til innkjøp av "Legacy of the Catacombs"-samlisen. Jeg kom ca. 15 minutter inn i plata før jeg kom på bedre tanker.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 10 Jul 2015, 12:44
by Morten.
Blir obligatorisk kjøp.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 20 Jul 2015, 19:29
by Aspergers Inc. wrote:Quick Thoughts on Nile’s ‘What Should Not Be Unearthed’

What Should Not Be Unearthed is a little more than a month away at the point of writing this. However, between the past two weeks and now, I’ve racked up a number of spins through this album, many more compared to At the Gates of Sethu. In the review of that album, I made it perfectly clear that I wasn’t too happy with the outcome, though didn’t dismiss it entirely. The biggest issue was the audio quality basically sterilizing much of the effort. So, as a huge Nile fan, I was hoping like hell this new one would show a return to force for the group. What I found prompted me to type something up about it.

I’m not going to go into this one very deep right now, but I’ll tell you that What Should Not Be Unearthed has given my neck quite the workout as of late. It’s accompanied me on a number of lengthy car rides lately, battling for my attention that has been sprawled across this, the new Powerwolf, and, yes, even the most recent Psychostick. What Should Not Be Unearthed is easily one of the more brutal major metal label releases I’ve happened upon this year, and I’m beyond happy to see the band has stepped away from much of what held the last album back.

No, this isn’t another Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka as far as bulkiness goes, though it isn’t afraid to bare those fangs later on, nor is it anywhere as bludgeoning as the latest Skinless album. If anything, it sticks to the middle ground, and it works for what the band is trying to accomplish: Punishing, sand blasted death metal. Some of the songs, however, immediately remind me of material from Ithyphalic, which is one of my favorite Nile albums. “Negating the Abominable Coils of Apep” has plenty of moments that are reminiscent of “Papyrus Containing the Spell to Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks from He Who Is in the Water”, a statement that, admittedly, has me flip-flopping between unique and recycled riffs in spots.

Yes, I’ll admit it. This one’s a grower, not a shower. I didn’t take to the album right away, but the more acquainted I get with the tight guitar work, the harder it ends up hitting me. It’s not the high-end complexity you’ll find on an Origin album (though the guitar solo for “In the Name of Amun” blows me away every time to the point where I’m sure I can smell flesh burning through my speakers), but it does continue to follow suit with their most recent albums. It also has a solid slam with distant chants right after that keep the Egyptian themes alive, as if being commanded by their gods, and a punishing as all hell title track that hammers away with indecipherable gutturals and a slower pace that does manage to capture the spirit of their analog days, even when not completely creeping along.

At the moment, on a personal fanboy level, I’m only growing more and more fond of What Should Not Be Unearthed. While it doesn’t have the beefiness I much prefer with my death metal, it sure makes up the brutality with a quality that still accentuates the bass enough to make the high complexities as brutal as the slams. It has the best of both of their worlds, and the effort only grows more impressive the deeper in you get. Basically, What Should Not Be Unearthed is something that you definitely should be excited for, especially if you were let down with At the Gates of Sethu.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 21 Jul 2015, 13:28
by Bija
Lurer på om de spiller noe harmonisk moll denne gangen.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 23 Jul 2015, 11:46
by snokslam
Egyptisk moll, sånn penta

Sendt fra min D5803 med Tapatalk

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed (oppdatert med smake

Posted: 24 Jul 2015, 10:46
by Aspergers Inc.
Har oppdatert OP med låta "Call to Destruction". Ikke fått hørt selv ennå :cry:

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed (oppdatert med smake

Posted: 24 Jul 2015, 21:53
by Welhaven
Fet låt, på tredje runden nå.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed

Posted: 25 Jul 2015, 20:29
by Lothar Schramm
Wraith wrote:Jeg fikk det for meg at jeg likte Nile, og gikk til innkjøp av "Legacy of the Catacombs"-samlisen. Jeg kom ca. 15 minutter inn i plata før jeg kom på bedre tanker.
Kanskje fordi du da bare fikk høre nyere Nile? Kun de to første albumene (pluss alt før albumene) som er gull, etter det begynte det å dabbe av.

Her snakker vi:

[BBvideo 560,340][/BBvideo]

Og her:

[BBvideo 560,340][/BBvideo]

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed (oppdatert med smake

Posted: 25 Jul 2015, 20:30
by Wraith
Ikke vet jeg. Men den nye låta var faktisk ikke halvgæren

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed (oppdatert med smake

Posted: 25 Jul 2015, 23:01
by Welhaven
Den nye låta utløste nytt Nile-kick, så da er det bare å pløye seg igjennom diskografien igjen.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed (oppdatert med låt)

Posted: 30 Jul 2015, 14:09
by Aspergers Inc.
Kebab-Karl er småsnurt over hvordan teksten til "Call to Destruction" blir tolket:
Karl Sanders wrote:I would THINK - that a giant bold font disclaimer at the beginning of a video OUGHT to be sufficient for folks to get to the point ; but I guess not . It seems exasperatingly mindboggling to me that it is necessary to further clarify any of this - so I am reposting the dialogue from the press release right here :
“Call to Destruction”
The inspiration for the song itself comes from news reports in 2012 – when radical Clerics were calling for the destruction of Egypt’s Pyramids. Most of the lyrics to “Call to Destruction” are actual direct quotes from the words of Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud – whose eloquence and quote-ability are clearly second-to-none. While this lyric video is filled with many images of Violence and destruction of Historical artifacts culled from common everyday newsreel imagery , its message is to communicate the insanity and futility of war as a tragic result of the clash of ideologies. This video’s sole purpose is to bring attention to the wanton destruction of Artifacts in the middle east. None of the members of Nile in any way endorse any political or religious agenda with this video ; Nile as students of Egyptian History are concerned about the preservation of the cultures of all peoples of our Greater Global Community”.
Karl Sanders wrote: In other words - NO. This is not a recruitment video for Isis. NO- Nile does not have any Religious or Political Hate messages in this song. NO, There is nothing in this song that is explicitly For OR Against ANY religion. It is a song built with quotes from Radical Extremists who believe the Pyramids should be torn down for Islamic Reasons. If anyone is daft enough to think for one second that Nile - wants to ACTUALLY tear down the pyramids - then I suggest that personal seek professional help. FINALLY , I know there are some people that will just feel overwhelmingly compelled to P.M. me , and enter into personal debate over these issues , or act offended , or behave as Tho I have committed a Grave impropriety by daring to blaspheme ; those messages will just be deleted. I will answer reasonable ( non-hate-filled) messages as time allows. Thank you.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed (oppdatert med låt)

Posted: 02 Aug 2015, 18:03
by VonMünchhausen
Positivt førsteinntrykk. Soloen var kanskje ikke helt på Slayer-nivå, men de skal ha for forsøket.

Re: NILE - What Should Not Be Unearthed (oppdatert med låt)

Posted: 02 Aug 2015, 18:05
Et bra 4/6 album.